*Brian Wilcox. 'stopping places'. Flickr.
We need stopping places where we relax and rest where we realize anew how easily we get lost in doing
To stop is not merely a physical act but an invitation to inner stillness sensing nothing needs to be done to be anything or to prove anything
for we are always, already that we are
Stopping places remind us who we are before we do anything
We relearn through this grace of restfulness our natural essence of fulfillment
that we are not human doings we are beings being with all other beings in a communion timeless and fathomless
When this aloneness inwardly is welcomed, we welcome our place in Life with all other beings
We find even apart from, we cannot be separate from, so in being alone, we discover the joy of all being al-one
*Brian Wilcox. 'rest & renewal'. Flickr.
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*(C) Brian K. Wilcox, 2019